On The Fly Image Tranformation
Serving Images

As soon as your storage is set up, you can start serving images with SlashedCloud

https:// example-1-otf Your Service Subdomain . slashed.cloud SlashedCloud Domain / example.jpg Image Path ? w=250&h=500 Query String

Let's break this down:

  1. https:// - This is the protocol you must include in your request.
  2. example-1-otf - Your service subdomain.
  3. slashed.cloud - This is the domain you'll be using to serve your images.
  4. / - This is the path to your image.
  5. ? - This is the start of the query string, where you'll be adding your image transformations.
  6. q=70 - This is the quality of the image. Must be a number between 0 and 100.
  7. w=250 - Width of the image.
  8. h=500 - Height of the image.

Applying Parameters

We'll demonstrate a good basic set to use, and you can see the full range of what's available in the Rendering API documentation.

For these examples, the base URL will be: https://demo-otf.slashed.cloud/







This was a very brief example of what parameters we're prepared to receive, for the full documentation read the Transformations API.