On The Fly Image Tranformation
Setting Up A CNAME

Adding a Canonical Name is a paid service and is fixed at 1000 credits. You can add as many CNAMEs as you’d like, each costing you 1000 credits.

After purchasing a CNAME, this “slot” will be attached to your account, you can delete a CNAME and create another at no extra cost - you will probably have to restart the setup process.

Registering a CNAME requires a valid domain name. After confirming that your domain is available we’ll kindly ask you to validate your CNAME by:

  1. Signing in to your domain name provider.
  2. Copy the records provided into the DNS configuration for your domain.

Note: DNS changes may take some time to apply. If SlashedCloud doesn’t find the record immediately, wait a day and then try to verify again.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I delete my CNAME?

Go to the service dashboard, head over to "Alias (CNAME)" on the sidebar and click on the "Delete CNAME" button.

My CNAME is already in use, what do I do?

If you think that your CNAME is being used by someone else, please contact support.